1. More than 24 different diseases can be transmitted sexually.

People don’t realize how many infection they are exposed when the have unprotected sex. This Need Annual check up for STD

2. STDs among older adults are increasing.

Older Adult, life changes like Divorce or finding new partners create potential for exposure to STD

3.  STDs — including Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, which have no symptoms — can affect fertility.

An untreated STD can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection that can scar the fallopian tubes

4. Condoms don’t provide 100 percent protection from the most common STD: genital herpes.

Condoms cover only the penis, but we see herpes sores in places outside the covered area, like on thighs and buttocks.  And contact with any herpes sore — anywhere — can lead to infection. Receiving oral sex from someone who has a cold sore on the mouth can cause a genital herpes infection.5. Any sexual activity — not just intercourse — can spread STDs, including one that can cause cancer.

5. Any sexual activity — not just intercourse — can spread STDs, including one that can cause cancer.

Oral and anal sex and mutual masturbation can expose people to a number of STDs besides herpes, including chlamydia, syphilis and human papillomavirus (HPV). And it’s HPV that’s usually linked to cancer. Not only can HPV cause cervical cancer — it can also cause anal, throat and penile cancer

HPV vaccinations can help protect today’s tweens and teens from getting cancer in the future

6. Most people who have herpes have no, or very mild, symptoms.